Philosophy statement
Language is a gift of God to help us communicate and build relationships with one another. Language aptitude and experience can contribute to our usefulness in God’s service.  Obedience to the commands of the Lord requires going to people of all languages.

Course objective
In Spanish II students will continue to learn basic vocabulary and grammar in context. (ESLR:ET) Using this vocabulary, students will be able to carry on a conversation as well as read and write in Spanish. (ESLR: DC) Creating posters and writing skits and stories are important aspects done in each unit.(ESLR:NLL) They learn Bible verses and Christian vocabulary. (ESLR: RUC)  Through different readings about people and places from Latin America and Spain, students will develop and awareness of the Hispanic culture.(ESLR:SCW)

Textbook: Abordos by Protase E. Woodford and Conrad J. Schmitt, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 1997
Spanish dictionaries
Spanish storybooks

Time Allotment
50 minutes per day, 5 days a week, 2 semesters

Course Content

  1. Review of Spanish I vocabulary and grammar
  2. Vocabulary to make a telephone call, forming and using the imperfect tense
  3. Vocabulary to go grocery shopping, using both preterite and imperfect tenses
  4. Vocabulary to write and send letters, forming the future tense of regular verbs and forming the comparative and superlative with adjectives
  5. Vocabulary to describe an accident and hospital care, forming the future tense of irregular verbs and irregular comparatives and superlatives
  6. Vocabulary to describe cars and care for cars, forming and using the conditional tense, and the positioning of indirect and direct object pronouns
  7. Vocabulary associated with going to a hotel, forming and using the present perfect tense, using the indirect object pronoun SE.
  8. Vocabulary to describe a plane trip and geographical terms, forming the past and future progressive tense, forming comparisons of equality
  9. Vocabulary associated with hairstyles and care, the position of object pronouns with verbs, and the expression ACABAR DE
  10. Vocabulary associated with food and its preparation, forming the formal imperative form and the passive voice
  11. Vocabulary associated with road travel and giving directions, forming the familiar imperative forms and position of object pronouns

Areas to be evaluated
Participation in class, weekly speeches and oral tests: 1/3 of the grade
Written assignments: 1/3 of the grade
Written tests and quizzes: 1/3 of the grade

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