We believe that God calls us to be creatures who communicate through language, based on His example of communicating with us through His revealed Word, the Bible. In the Bible, God employs many forms of literature, including stories and poetry, to instruct us in His character and expectations of us. Therefore we believe it is important for students to learn to communicate clearly and effectively through language, as well as to develop a love of God’s Word and an appreciation for the gifts of the spoken and written word. Students should master grammar, spelling, and other writing conventions, as well as learn how to comprehend spoken and written words, to think critically about them, and to respond clearly and thoughtfully through writing and discussion.

Course Objectives
In this subject students will learn to read and comprehend stories to a forth grade level. They will refresh and deepen their understanding and proficiency in English grammar. They will continue to learn different writing styles and techniques. They will learn the meanings and correct spellings of word to widen their vocabulary. They will strive to improve their hand writing both for speed and neatness. The students will develop a love of reading and will desire to read voluntarily. Students will become more confident in there use of library materials and search methods.

Textbooks and Resources

  • Houghton Mifflin English
  • Houghton Mifflin Reading
  • ACSI Spelling

Student workbooks in reading
Student workbooks in spelling
Worksheets from teachers black line masters in English
Other resources as enhances the lessons
Transparencies in Reading and English
Houghton Mifflin English Posters
Classroom library and school library
Reading circle books and teachers guides

Time Allotment
2 hours a day, Monday through Friday, this includes 30 minutes of library time each week.

Course Content
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, Capitalization and Punctuation
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Adverbs and Prepositions
Writing: Personal Narratives, Poems, Stories, Instructions, Research Reports, To express an Opinion, To persuade.
Reading comprehension and strategies, Listening skills, Spelling skills and concepts, Writing mechanics: forming letters legibly. Laying out work in a prescribed manner.

Homework – 30%
Quizzes and Classwork – 30%
Projects and Tests – 30%
Participation – 10%

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