God is both ultimate Creator (Genesis 1ff) and excellent communicator (Hebrews 1) and He created man in His own image (Gen.1:27). Therefore, in order that students may be equipped to fulfill God’s purposes for them they should be encouraged to develop their creative and communication skills. Ultimately God intends that by using these skills God’s Truth will be seen through students more clearly (Exodus 31:3, Acts 17:2-3). Because God has made us with inquiring minds and He wants to guide us into all truth through His Spirit (John16:13) students should also be equipped with research skills. Research and communication skills are a sign of growth in God’s grace (1Cor.1:4-5) and can help students successfully perform the tasks He has called them to do (2Chron.1:10).

Course Objectives
Students will develop research (ESLR: ET), public speaking and presentation skills (ESLR: DC). They will research a topic of their choice (ESLR: NLL), write a research paper with integration of a Christian or biblical issue (ESLR: RUC) and correct documentation style of APA or MLA (ESLR: DC), create a booth (ESLR: DC) and present a short summary as a power point (ESLR: NLL, DC) with a speech (ESLR: DC) of their findings at a formally gathered event. Students may choose their own topics, including but not limited to, scientific, artistic, psychological, spiritual, political, national, and cultural issues (ESLR: SCW).

MLA handbook
Students will choose various resources appropriate to the topics they are researching.

Time Allotment
Fifty minutes per day, five days a week and one session for a public presentation.

Course Content

  • How to choose and research a topic.
  • Researching and writing a paper.
  • MLA style and referencing.
  • Writing a mini practice paper and a five-thousand word paper.
  • Preparing and performing a public presentation with the aid of a data slide-show.
  • Creating an effective booth.

Documented research (for mini paper)  –  10%
Written mini paper  – 10%
Knowledge of referencing (tests & mini paper)  –  5%
AV presentation (from mini paper)  –  10%
Final Presentation –  55%
——Quality research – 10%
——Final written paper – 20%
——Correct style and referencing – 5%
——AV Presentation  – 15%
——Booth  – 5%
Overall presentation – 10%

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